Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Goddess Jennifer Allbaugh destroys male politician

This was another great moment for the Female Supremacy movement. Goddess Jennifer Allbaugh destroyed the life of a male politician, and she did it with nothing more than a picture! lol The republican congressman resigned after photos of his genitals were made public by Jennifer.

Apparently this former congressman thought he could call the shots. Well he sure his lesson the hard way. In the new world women have all the control, and you better do everything they demand or they will destroy you! This piece of shit male was forced to resign, and I say good riddance! I'm sure he claimed to be a family values guy as well. Now he gets to live the rest of his pathetic life in shame. All because he thought he could fuck over a Goddess who was really more powerful than he ever dreamed.

This also sends a powerful message to all other women out there. That a women's sexuality holds an immense power over males. This will embolden more women to take their place as the superior gender, and cause more males to tremble and submit under their authority. So you better start obeying, or you will suffer the consequences!

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